Is this really a phishing email? It's hard to say because I did have a Yahoo! account during that period (dummy account for testing) but there is no way I'd click on anything with the word Yahoo! in it... just beware and be careful! #phishingalert
Is this really a phishing email? It's hard to say because I did have a Yahoo! account during that period (dummy account for testing) but there is no way I'd click on anything with the word Yahoo! in it... just beware and be careful! #phishingalert
I was reading about threat actors (bad guys who carry on cyber attacks) and the phrase "institutional knowledge" really popped... this relates to attacks done by insiders and very few people pay attention to them, even care about mitigating this very serious risk....
In this hyper connected world we live in more and more people go online from places other than home or office; this means using public access points like coffee shops, hotel rooms, a friend's house, libraries (yeah some people still use them, I personally love them),...
No doubt Windows 10 has become a very stable operating system and a worthy successor of its beloved older sibling Windows 7 (sorry Windows 8... you are the family's black sheep and a disappointment same as Windows Me). Storage Sense is a very useful feature you can...
During our daily web routines (reading the news, doing some "Facebooking", online banking or reading our Gmail) we are constantly visiting websites that show some sort of advertisement, usually on the right or upper side of the screen. Although I believe quality...
If you take credit card payments, you need to know about PCI Compliance. For the past 5 years or so, we have seen an increase on the number of service requests about something called PCI. In a nutshell: client gets email from PCI/his-her bank or merchant...
No doubt cybersecurity is now part of our daily conversations - cryptocurrency hacking, election meddling, leaks and exposes, it is something that we all have learn to live with. Unfortunately, there are still (many) people that believe cybersecurity is something "my...
According to the Internet machine it is estimated there are more than 2 billion (yes, billion with a b) active Android devices in the world. Now imagine for a second that you are an evil villain straight out a Bond movie with a super magical computer that could take...
This is an edited version of an old post I wrote years ago. Despite the fact laptop prices have not came down (it’s quite the opposite), many clients called me early December asking for suggestions on what kind of computer they should get – 100% are getting laptops, a...
We live in interconnected and complicated times and the word “hack” has become a new normal in daily conversations. People are more and more concerned about hackers, data loss and cyber security in general. Many of our clients ask, “how can we make sure we’re not...
Reading an article on a well-known cyber security website I thought it was a really good idea to post about the most common mistakes people make when buying something online and how to keep your personal and financial information safe from scammers/hackers/bad guys in...
WordPress, the world-famous content management system that powers around 27% of all websites in the world, is a constant (and sometimes easy) target for hackers. Vulnerabilities like the SQL-Injection (detected by security analyst Anthony Ferrara) present a serious...
Holiday season is upon us and this year more than ever before an avalanche of new gadgets and gizmos promising to make your home smarter are hitting the market… just check stores like Best Buy and you’ll see they are devoting a big chunk of real estate to home...
By now you have probably heard about phishing (fake emails that look legitimate, usually from senders that you have some dealings with - but no always). I receive at least one every two weeks or so and I usually just delete them right away. After reading about this I...
When it comes to scamming consumers and businesses, the most effective strategies aren't necessarily the most complex. Hackers seeking funds, data, and access to corporate systems don't need advanced techniques when tried-and-true tactics consistently work on their...
Source: Security isn’t something that can just be swept under the rug while the board and executive team plans on just pointing figures if something bad happens. Cybersecurity threats are...
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